Monday, March 12, 2012

The Big Pot of Gold

         So I think this is the Biggest pot I have won so far playing online cash games. I thought for sure someone was holding AJs maybe and just was hoping to fill-up on the river, but must be my lucky pot I guess because my hand held.This month has been pretty horrible so far . It's one of those win a little one session then give it all back plus some on the next session ugh. So at the moment I am down almost two buyins for 13,000 hands this Month, which sucks because on the 3rd of the month I was up 5 buyins yuck . Guess I will keep grinding. One positive thing is I just recieved my first cash out on Merge and bought a new 42" Lcd TV so I am now waiting for a 15' HDMI cord I ordered so I can plug  my Laptop in and play on a Bigger screen weee. Hope it works ok someone told me I can adjust settings so I can tile them on the TV that would be nice because I usually play 9 tables and have to overlap them on my 17.3" Laptop. Here is the winning hand sure glad it held. Thanks for reading , Chris

Oh my profit was $47.77 on the hand



  1. Nice catch on the hand and ship the TV! Remember all the donks when you are enjoying it. They paid for it :)

  2. LOl yes, I thank them them very much for the Tv and the Next paycheck that is coming soon ):

  3. 42 Inches, Wowwa Viwwa...!!!

    Enjoy, nh

  4. Nice one man! Enjoy all 42inches of your new screen :) Well deserved!
