Saturday, March 5, 2011

Climbed up to the $1,000.00 mark

Yay i got to the $1,000.00 just now
Feels great, been playing pretty well lately have had some suck outs like this one today
I checked the flop he bets i reraise huge he shoves allin i call and bam rivered the fullhouse. Pretty typical hes not folding trips and im not folding 2nd best flush on the flop.
And here is my proof of hitting $1,000.00 mark weeeeeeeeeeeee so happy..
I will move up to .10-.25 NL when i get up to $1600.00 bankroll Hopefully wont take too long. But in the game of poker you just never know when #$%^& hits the fan.
                  Thanks for reading Chris


  1. Yay! Finally outta my funk too and have made almost 80 in last 3 sessions.

    Grats man!

  2. Thanks Traggy, glad to hear your back on track.May the rest of March bring us all lots of Buy-ins...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. This could be faked as easy as Obama's birth certificate :)

  4. Not , sure what your saying?? You mean my stats could be faked? I guess it could believe it or not LOL,
